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Over the period of your course, you will groom a variety of breeds to include Ragdoll, Main Coon, Persian.  There are no pre-requisites to starting the qualification, meaning you can join at Level 3 without having completed a lower-level course first.

Students will be trained in practical skills such as handling, coat prepping, bathing, scissoring, clipping, styling, and nail trimming on a variety of cat breeds.

Units included within this qualification are:

324: Health and Safety in a Cat Grooming Environment
325: Promote the Welfare of Cats conforming with Relevant Legislation
326: Customer Care and Managing Complaints
327: Assess and Plan Cat Grooming Styles and Maintenance of Equipment
328: Health Checking, Handling and Feline Behaviour
329: Prepare, Style and Finish a range of Cat Breeds
330: Planning the Operation of a Small Animal Business
332: Feline Emergency First Aid

Ayrshire Grooming Salon will deliver the iPET Network Level 3 Diploma in Cat Grooming and Salon Management. This course will demonstrate to any employer or potential customers, that candidates have the necessary technical grooming skills required and demonstrate high professionalism to successfully groom a range of cat breeds.

fast-track option is available for experienced groomers. For further information please contact

Sit. Stay. Good (clean) dog.

In the salon we choose the best shampoo to suit your dogs skin and coat needs. We use only natural safe products as we believe all dogs deserve the best.

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